Modular Content in WordPress

This is an example site. It contains two things:

  • A WordPress theme, in themes > modularcontent.
  • An export file containing a Field Group for use with Advanced Custom Fields Pro. It is located in acf-export > acf-export-2014-09-14.json


  • Create a WordPress installation.
  • Add the modularcontent theme to wp-content/themes.
  • In the WordPress dashboard, activate the Modular Content theme.
  • Download, install, and activate the (paid) plugin Advanced Custom Fields Pro.
  • In the WordPress dashboard, go to Custom Fields > Import/Export. Import the acf-export-2014-09-14.json file.

You should now have a working, editable Field Group called Modular Content. This field group should also be attached to the default Post type, so you can try creating a new Post and the Modular Content example fields will be available.