
Base project template including all npm modules and webpack configuration needed for modular web development

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Webpack Template

This is my current directory structure and Webpack configuration, gleaned from working through exercises in The Odin Project.


  1. git clone <repo_name>
  2. npm install
  3. npm run start:dev

Global CSS

CSS suffixed with '.global.css' will affect the entire application. All global CSS should be placed in the css/ directory.

Local CSS

CSS suffixed with '.local.css' will be localized, as Webpack's Mini CSS loader will randomize naming conventions to ensure no colissions with other styles.



Support for Typescript is added in via Babel. Webpack configurations were adjusted to allow for all other functions to work with Typescript files (e.g. CSS imports).

Pages and Components

Component-based Architecture is followed whenever possible, breaking the application into two main categories:

  • Pages - containers including layout, typography, and components
  • Components - individual pieces of the application UI (Menus, interfaces, text containers, etc.)

Components usually are organized into folders under the component/ directory, and a localized CSS file allows that component to be styled independantly.

for Example a 'Box' component would be organized as follows:

  • components
    • Box
      • Box.js
      • Box.local.css

Global Configuration

All globals are stored in config/AppConfig.js for inclusion wherever needed.


Images are copied as-is into the final distribution. Pre-processing of images may be a future improvement.


Like images, HTML is copied directly into the final distribution.


If there are missing declaration issues in Visual Studio Code, restart the Typescript server to see if it helps alleviate:

Command Palette -> Restart TS Server