
RethinkDB Job Queue UI

Primary LanguageJavaScript

RethinkDB Job Queue UI

Get insights to your queue job statuses


JavaScript Style Guide

Middleware usage

Standalone usage

All Options are optional and default to local setup
node ./bin/www --db-name=<job queue db name> --db-host=<host address> --db-user=<sb user name> --db-password=<db password> --db-port=<db port> --db-certfile=<db certificate file>

Standalone with db instance - nanobox

Based on:

  1. install nanobox'
  2. nanobox run, nanobox run dry-run, nanobox remote add app-name, nanobox deploy

Standalone with db instance(along with creating mocking data) - docker

  1. Find IP and add change DB_HOST in .env - sudo ip addr show docker0
  2. run - docker-compose up --scale consumer=3 --scale ui=1 --scale publisher=1
  3. Locate rjq-ui IP - docker inspect rjqui_ui_1 | grep IPAddress(:3000)
  4. Locate RethinkDB admin ui IP - docker inspect rjqui_ui_1 | grep IPAddress(:8080)


Build setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8084
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build

Deploy to GHP

  1. checkout https://github.com/sagivf/rjq-ui/tree/gh-pages
  2. run npm run ghp
  3. move mock.js file before app.js in public/index.html
  4. commit and push changes
  5. enjoy!
UI Based on vue-foundation