- Aczy156CSU, ICT
- anloweeYScope
- Backl1ghtCentral South University
- CatigeartChinese Academy of Sciences
- CoolgiserzShenzhen, Guangdong
- csu-luyaoCentral South University
- CSU-WJJJBytedance
- DominicWoozy
- EdwardzcnUSTC
- HammerSister
- HeAohowCSU
- hoshimggCentral South University
- Howie-coder
- JacksonLaw577
- JunhaoXueStudent of Central South University
- leo6033Funtoy Game
- life-extensionNanjing University
- luojiegithuber
- O4thkeeper
- qqt-code
- shanxiansen310
- SuInkCentral South University
- SunRelease
- TomGohUniversity of Pennsylvania
- Walker-ZD
- What-a-mess
- WinfridDu
- wolfbolinCentral South University
- Wp-ZhangNortheastern University
- Yaxun-YangShanghaiTech University
- yeghost
- YinAoXiongzhejiang university
- YoungRX
- zhaxzhax
- zhkp