
List of python packages for causal inference

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Causal inference-related packages

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  • DoWhy - making causal inference easy (Microsoft) GitHub Repo stars
  • CausalML - suite of uplift modeling and causal inference methods using machine learning algorithms based on recent research (Uber) GitHub Repo stars
  • cfrnet - counterfactual regression (doesn't appear to be actively developed) GitHub Repo stars
  • Causality - tools for causal analysis using observational (rather than experimental) datasets (doesn't appear to be actively developed) GitHub Repo stars
  • Causal Discovery Toolbox - causal inference in graphs and pairwise settings GitHub Repo stars
  • CausalDAG - creation, manipulation, and learning of Causal DAGs GitHub Repo stars
  • CausalNex - uses Bayesian Networks to combine machine learning and domain expertise for causal reasoning GitHub Repo stars
  • Causal Inference - implements various statistical and econometric methods used in the field variously known as Causal Inference, Program Evaluation, or Treatment Effect Analysis GitHub Repo stars
  • EconML - estimating heterogeneous treatment effects from observational data via machine learning (Microsoft) GitHub Repo stars
  • scikit-uplift - classic approaches for uplift modeling built on top of scikit-learn GitHub Repo stars
  • Networkx - for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks GitHub Repo stars

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