Template for a dynamic form (all form elements are defined on the fly)
I need to create dynamic forms, i.e, the form is defined by a data structure which contains names (labels), types and initial values for the form elements.
And I do not need a database connection for this.
Schemaless changesets to the rescue!
Comes in a map, with keys as the form elements names/labels and the values are contained in another map, which has the initial value and the type.
form_data = %{"current1" => %{:value => 0.0, :type => :float},
"iterations" => %{:value => 100, :type => :integer},
"is_good" => %{:value => :false, :type => :boolean},
"weather" => %{:value => "windy", :type => :string}}
So far, :float, :integer, :boolean and :string are implemented.
The result (with edits by the user) can look like this:
"formname" => %{
"current1" => "20.0",
"is_good" => "false",
"iterations" => "1004",
"weather" => "windy"
The use of a schemaless changeset is implemented in index.ex:
defp form_definition() do
form_data = # as above..
# in my use case, data will come as a message from another process,
# which triggers the viewing of the form with the attached data.
# it is not from some guy on the internet, but basic validation is to
# be done.
params = Map.new(Enum.map(form_data, fn({k,v}) -> {String.to_atom(k), v.value} end))
types = Map.new(Enum.map(form_data, fn({k,v}) -> {String.to_atom(k), v.type} end))
changeset =
{params, types}
|> Ecto.Changeset.cast(params, Map.keys(types))
changeset = %{changeset | action: :validate}
Map.put(changeset, :id, "form-id")
defp apply_action(socket, :form, _params) do
|> assign(:page_title, "Some title")
|> assign(:tseq, form_definition())
File | Content |
lib/dbless_form_web/router.ex | Routes for the form and the containing view |
lib/dbless_form_web/live/tseq_live/index.ex | The parent view |
lib/dbless_form_web/live/tseq_live/index.html.heex | Template with invocation of the LiveComponent |
lib/dbless_form_web/live/tseq_live/form_component.ex | The dynamic form |
lib/dbless_form/executions/tseq.ex | TBD: dynamic validations (ranges, etc.) |
$ mix setup
$ iex -S mix phx.server
Then click the link on the home page and the "Dynamic Form" button on the next page.