
Explore Ambari REST APIs from an Ambari view

Primary LanguageHTML

Ambari REST API explorer view

Demo view to manage Ambari via REST calls using some sample operations:

  • Export blueprint

  • Get status of components

  • Stop/Start services

  • Add your own operations Image

  • Note: ALL requests are passing in 'X-Requested-By: ambari' header. This is why the requests will not work via the browser

Author: Ali Bajwa


  • Download HDP 2.2 sandbox VM image (Sandbox_HDP_2.2_VMware.ova) from Hortonworks website
  • Import Sandbox_HDP_2.2_VMware.ova into VMWare and set the VM memory size to 8GB
  • Now start the VM
  • After it boots up, find the IP address of the VM and add an entry into your machines hosts file e.g. sandbox.hortonworks.com sandbox    
  • Connect to the VM via SSH (password hadoop) and start Ambari server
ssh root@sandbox.hortonworks.com
  • Install Maven
mkdir /usr/share/maven
cd /usr/share/maven
wget http://mirrors.koehn.com/apache/maven/maven-3/3.2.5/binaries/apache-maven-3.2.5-bin.tar.gz
tar xvzf apache-maven-3.2.5-bin.tar.gz
ln -s /usr/share/maven/apache-maven-3.2.5/ /usr/share/maven/latest
echo 'M2_HOME=/usr/share/maven/latest' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'M2=$M2_HOME/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'PATH=$PATH:$M2' >> ~/.bashrc
export M2_HOME=/usr/share/maven/latest
export M2=$M2_HOME/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$M2
  • To deploy the view, run below. On non-sandbox env, these steps should be run on node running Ambari server
#Pull code (pom.xml, view.xml, index.html)
git clone https://github.com/abajwa-hw/blueprints-view.git
cd blueprints-view

#No longer needed - Tell maven to compile against ambari jar (double check that the jar exists in this location, first)
#mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/usr/lib/ambari-server/ambari-views- -DgroupId=org.apache.ambari -DartifactId=ambari-views -Dversion=1.3.0-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar

#Compile view
mvn clean package

#move jar to Ambari dir
cp target/*.jar /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/views
  • Restart Ambari
#on HDP 2.2 sandbox
service ambari restart

#on non-sandbox
service ambari-server restart

Run the sample operations
  • First check your cluster parameters:

    • host/port (e.g. sandbox.hortonworks.com:8080). This is autodetected
    • cluster name (e.g. Sandbox). This is autodetected
    • Username/pass (e.g admin/admin)
  • Export cluster blueprint:

    • Select "Full Cluster Blueprint" from the dropdown and click Submit. Notice the entire definition of the cluster is returned
    • Image
  • Stop HBase (assuming its already started):

    • Select "Stop HBase" from the dropdown and click Submit. Notice "1 ops" started running
    • Image
  • After a few seconds, check HBase status:

    • Select "HBase status" from the dropdown and click Submit. Notice state is now "INSTALLED" which means is not running
    • Image
  • Start HBase (assuming its stopped):

    • Select "Start HBase" from the dropdown and click Submit. Notice "1 ops" started running
    • Image
  • Check HBase status:

    • Select "HBase status" from the dropdown and click Submit. Notice that state is now "STARTED"
    • Image
  • Notice that the status check APIs did not require a request body but the stop/start ones did

Add your own operations
  • You can add your own operations by modifying the url_list JSON data in /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/views/work/BLUEPRINT_VIEW{1.0.0}/index.html containing the sample operations, and refreshing the view. This will add your HTTP request to the dropdown list

    • Note the values of $host and $cluster will get replaced at runtime. Also the single quotes in the JSON body will be replaced by double quotes when displayed in the view
  • You can also update the default values of hostname and cluster name in the same file, in case the autodetection is not working for some reason

Update configurations

To update component configurations, see examples here