
Archives all repositories in the elifesciences-publications Github organisation.

Archiving a repository makes it "read-only" which silences security alerts and prevents unintended changes being made.

The elifesciences-publications Github organisation exists to mirror repositories that have been referenced in scholarly papers published by eLife Sciences.


Credentials are required for modifying repositories. A Personal Access Token is looked for in ./resources/personal-access-token.edn and if your token is 123 should be a simple quoted string, like "123".

Java (see releases for downloadable jar files):

java -jar repo-archiver-x.x.x-standalone.jar


lein run

Clojure REPL usage:

lein repl
=> (archive-all-repositories)

A list of repositories is cached at ./resources/repo-list.edn to prevent paging through 6+ pages of results.


Unless otherwise noted, all repo-archiver source files are made available under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3 (GPL3).

See LICENCE.txt for details and exceptions.