Create Read Update Delete: A react app allowing the users to add, edit and remove the books, including npm toastify notifications. Add your books to the store and enjoy reading!!
create the html codes of header and form elements | do the styling with bootstrap
- watch the changes on the input element | make an error message and if there is an error render the error message
- watch the submit events of the add button
get the input elementsand send them to the state.
- after submitting the books turn them into a object including book names, adding dates, id and isRead info
- get another state with that object
- after updating the state remove the info from the input | update the state
create a new component for the books added to the form | import it to app.js | create html of the component
- send the book prop and render it
removing the book:
- when the delete button is clicked use the function of sending id
- get a new modal to confirm the delete including yes/no confirmation
- if yes, filter the array and send the book to the state
isRead checking
- when clicked on isRead button get the book values with a fuction
- change the value(true/false)
- find the book will be changed
- remove the changed book and add the updated version
- update the state..
edit module:
- when clicked on edit button get a function to edit the book
- send it to the state and show edit module
- in module get an input with values
- update the state according to the input values
- get two buttons: leave : close the module save : edit function updating the book name by removing the prev
- btw update the date again..
react-toastfy : npm i react-toastfy
- import the css and js library to index.js
- import and {toast} function
- enjoy the colorful notifications!!