A plugin for diabetes-related plugins for lita
Add lita-diabetes to your Lita instance's Gemfile:
gem "lita-diabetes", :git => "https://github.com/reddit-diabetes/lita-diabetes.git"
# for values entered without units in this range the bot will
# respond with both conversions
# lower bound for ambiguious bg entries
config.handlers.diabetes.lower_bg_bound = '20'
# upper bound
config.handlers.diabetes.upper_bg_bound = '35'
<number> - Convert glucose between mass/molar concentration units.
_<number>_ - Convert glucose between mass/molar concentration units inline. E.g "I started at 125 today"
<number> [mmol/l | mg/dl] - Convert glucose from specified units
Lita: estimate a1c [from average] <glucose level> - Estimates A1C based on average BG level
Lita: estimate average [from a1c] <A1C> - Estimates average blood glucose