- 4
[Bug]: Slash Commands not registering
#2817 opened - 4
#2816 opened - 2
[Bug]: client.Ready not firing
#2815 opened - 0
Weird bot behaviour
#2812 opened - 1
- 2
- 1
[Bug]: Application crashes with disconnects
#2809 opened - 4
[Bug]: BaseSocketClient and DiscordRestClient do not properly implement [Feature] Premium Subscriptions
#2808 opened - 3
- 1
- 9
- 1
- 2
- 1
- 2
- 0
[Test]: Intergration Tests throw NRE silently resulting from unassigned ITestOutputHelper
#2767 opened - 1
- 2
- 0
[Bug]: Slash Command Localizations lost after AddCommandsToGuildAsync and deleteMissing = false
#2757 opened - 0
[v4] Rest Client & model updates
#2756 opened - 7
- 0
- 0
Replace Moq with NSubstitute (wtf kzu?)
#2747 opened - 3
[Bug]: SSL error
#2746 opened - 0
- 15
- 0
Use Async Scope if running in Async mode
#2741 opened - 5
Hide slash command from user
#2740 opened - 4
Any way to access the legacy Discord/Name-Tag?
#2734 opened - 1
- 2
[Bug]: Forum managing problems
#2718 opened - 1
[Bug]: HTTP connection SSL Trust Failure
#2717 opened - 0
Add audit log id to audit log object
#2716 opened - 6
[Bug]: `ModalInteractionAttribute` handlers do not allow for a handler with no parameters
#2706 opened - 18
Requiring cultures does not seem necessary
#2704 opened - 5
- 1
- 2
[Bug]: GetUser for specific user returns null
#2695 opened - 4
[Bug]: Native AOT deployment NET 8
#2694 opened - 3
- 2
Few changes to support mono
#2691 opened - 2
[Bug]: Message content can not be null or empty even though it is allowed by Discord API
#2689 opened - 1
- 5
- 7
- 6
[Bug]: RequestQueue leak
#2677 opened - 7
[Question]: Reading an Audio-Stream
#2674 opened - 2
[Question]: Reading an Audio-Stream
#2672 opened - 3
[Bug]: Parse and ToJsonString from EmbedBuilder
#2669 opened - 2
[Bug]: Clyde AI causes an error.
#2664 opened