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Discord Plays: Minesweeper is a Discord bot started by @Kikithecat12345 and rewritten by @MrMelon54.
This bot will be replaced by a new version once the code is complete. After that this repository will become archived.
Bot Invite Link:
- Shows help screen>start [width] [height] [single mines] {double mines} {triple mines} {anti-mines}
- Starts a game in that channel with those parameters>dig [A1] {B2} {AA5}...
- Dig those positions in the ongoing game>flag [A1] {type}
- Flags position with that flag type (single is default)>flag [A1] {B2} {type}
- Flags multiple positions with that flag type (single is default)>flag [A1] {B2} {type} {C3} {D4} {type} {E5}
- Flags multiple positions with different flag types (last ones will default to single)>board
- Displays the current state of the game in that channel
- Required argument{}
- Optional argument
Credits and other stuffs: Thanks to @MrMelon54 for making the Github and also basically rewriting all of it (he made over half of the code) and for hosting it. Thanks to @Blananas2 for making the graphics (minesweeper-icons.png) and for bugging me to do things. Thanks to all the bug-testers on the discord (and non-bug-testers) for breaking the bot a ton.
Official Host Email:
Official Discord:
Yes, you are allowed to host it yourself, or make spin-offs of it. Just don't copy it, claim it as yours, sell it, etc. (THIS IS NOT LEGAL INFO)