- 0
- 0
Post API response time to statuspage
#22 opened by carolinaisslaying - 0
remove auth on get routes
#19 opened by advaith1 - 0
If we ever decide to add user tokens, we can get the current users rank with eas...
#11 opened by todo - 2
Update types
#16 opened by DuckMasterAl - 0
Integrate sentry with API
#17 opened by carolinaisslaying - 1
Decide on ratelimiting for templates
#13 opened by todo - 1
Ability to whitelist IPs for ratelimits and not require authorisation for GET endpoints from that IP
#15 opened by carolinaisslaying - 0
- 0
(), bson.M{"_id": bot.ID}, bson.D{{"$set", set}})
#12 opened by todo - 0
(), bson.M{"_id": id})
#7 opened by todo - 0
(), bson.M{})
#8 opened by todo - 0