
The official Discord Extreme List PreMiD presence!

Primary LanguageTypeScript


The official Discord Extreme List PreMiD presence!


This contains missing files... if you wish to work on this presence please clone & submit a PR at the official PreMiD Presences Repository

Using Presence

You can use the source to install the presence as a temporary presence instead of installing it from the PreMiD Presence Store (not sure why you'd want to do that but it's an option...?)


  1. Clone this repository (git clone https://github.com/discordextremelist/premid-presence.git del-premid),
  2. Open your browser and press on the PreMiD extension icon,
  3. Hold Shift and you should see Load Presence appear,
  4. Press on the Load Presence text and wait for the folder selector to appear,
  5. Find the del-premid folder, go into it and load the dist folder.