
My template to run pytorch on gcloud XLAs

Primary LanguagePython

PyTorch-TPU template based on mnist and tpu-imagenet


An example can be invoked as follows.

python main.py \
    --batch-size 256 \
    --learning-rate 1e-4 \

Run on TPU


  • TPU needs to recompile the RNN graph for each training example
  • CTCLoss is currently (May 2021) is not supported on XLA (source) and here

Create a Google Cloud project

Install gcloud sdk on Mac OS

wget https://dl.google.com/dl/cloudsdk/channels/rapid/downloads/google-cloud-sdk-332.0.0-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz
tar -xf google-cloud-sdk-332.0.0-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz

Run gcloud init to initialize the SDK:

Create a new project:

gcloud projects create <PROJECT_ID>

Listing projects

gcloud projects list

Shutting down projects

gcloud projects delete <PROJECT_ID>

Turn on the Cloud TPU API for that project.

Set up compute zone

gcloud config set compute/zone <your-zone-here> --project <PROJECT_ID>

Set up a Compute Engine instance

Open a Cloud Shell window


Create a variable for your project's ID

export PROJECT_ID=<project-id>

Configure gcloud command-line tool to use the project where you want to create Cloud TPU.

gcloud config set project ${PROJECT_ID}

From the Cloud Shell, launch the Compute Engine resource

gcloud compute instances create mnist-xla \
--zone=europe-west4-a \
--machine-type=n1-highmem-16 \
--image-family=torch-xla \
--image-project=ml-images  \
--boot-disk-size=300GB \

Connect to the new Compute Engine instance

gcloud compute ssh mnist-xla --zone=europe-west4-a

Launch a Cloud TPU resource

gcloud compute tpus create mnist-xla \
--zone=europe-west4-a \
--network=default \
--version=pytorch-1.8  \

Identify the IP address for the Cloud TPU resource

gcloud compute tpus list --zone=europe-west4-a

Create and configure the PyTorch environment

Start a conda environment.

conda activate torch-xla-1.8

Configure environmental variables for the Cloud TPU resource

export TPU_IP_ADDRESS=<ip-address>
export XRT_TPU_CONFIG="tpu_worker;0;$TPU_IP_ADDRESS:8470"

Get TPU compatible model by running:

git clone https://github.com/discort/tpu-pytorch-template.git

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the model

python main.py \
--use-tpu 1 \
--world-size 1 \
--num-workers 0 \
--batch-size 128 \
--num-epochs 20

List TPU Node+VM

gcloud compute tpus list --zone=europe-west4-a
gcloud compute instances list

To delete both TPU and the VM run

gcloud compute tpus delete deepspeech-xla --zone=europe-west4-a
gcloud compute instances delete deepspeech-xla --zone=europe-west4-a