
You have the right to stay anonymous (GPDR compliance made easy)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



you have the right to stay anonymous
(GDPR compliance made easy)


Getting Started


First, if not already, get npm: https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm

Then, set up your webserver to point to the root folder of the project.

Assuming you're using the domain discreto.localhost, your virtual host configuration on your Apache server would look like:

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName discreto.localhost
  DocumentRoot "/path/to/discreto"

Or on nginx:

server {
  listen 80;
  server_name discreto.localhost;
  root "/path/to/discreto";


You'll need webpack, sass and a few plugins to build from the JS and Sass sources, so let's make it simple:

npm install

Copy the default configurations for the live page (live/index.html) and the test page (test/index.html):

cp live/config.ini.json live/config.json
cp test/config.ini.js test/config.js



Configuration is read from the global variable window.discretoConf (if set) or passed as an argument to discreto.start().

Configuration can either be an object:

window.discretoConf = {
  gui: {
    logo: '/your/logo.svg'
  cookie: {
    name: 'gdpr_cookie'
  ids: {
    analytics: 'UA-XXXXXXX-Y'
  services: {
    analytics: {
      types: [ 'audience' ],
      load: 'pageView'

A GTM event:

window.discretoConf = 'gtm://GTM-XXXXXXX/config'

Or a JSON resource:

window.discretoConf = '/your/config.json'

Use the wizard or read more about configuration in the documentation.

ES6 Module

discreto is written in ES6, and you can load it directly within your page:

<script src="src/discreto.js" type="module"></script>

Or you can import it in your project as an ES6 or CommonJS module:

import 'src/discreto.js'


Style is built from Sass files located in src/scss. The live page requires dist/discreto.css than can be built using:

sass src/discreto.scss dist/discreto.css

Or using npm:

npm run-script sass

If you want to watch changes:

sass --watch src:dist


npm run-script watch


At the moment only English and French are supported, all contributions are welcome, as well as spelling corrections and suggestions. See src/i18n.

Live preview

You can use the live page (live/index.html) to get a preview, configuration being read from live/config.json:


Running the tests

Tests are written with mocha and expect.js. They shall pass. They can be run using the command line:

npm test

Or using the test page (test/index.html):


Cross-Origin Resource sharing

If you plan on testing CORS (see test/utils.js), you will need to define an alias for your server name, and add support for PHP (see test/message.php).

You can skip these tests by setting window.CORS = false in test/config.js (by default).


Build and minify JS & CSS using webpack with the provided configuration (webpack.conf.js):

webpack -c webpack.config.js

Or using npm:

npm run-script build

Built files can be found in dist:

  • discreto.min.js: packed module and dependencies
  • discreto.min.css: minified CSS with inline image (base64)

Keep them in the same directory, let's say discreto/, and call the script in your page just before the </body> tag:

<script>window.discretoConf = { CONFIG }</script>
<script src="/discreto/discreto.min.js"></script>

Built with

See package.json for the list of dependencies.


discreto is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.