
Repository for the continual learning class project

Primary LanguagePython

Task Agnostic Class Incremental Learning using Feature Embedding Regularization

Pytorch implementation of continual OOD detection based on [1] A Simple Unified Framework for Detecting Out-of-Distribution Samples and Adversarial Attacks along with a feature regularization idea.

Following results show that our approach can learn incrementally without pretraining on all tasks like in [1] and without catastrophically forgetting when compared to lwf and ewc using a Resnet-18 and Cifar-10.


bash prepare_data_packages.sh


This repo trains one SVHN, CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100. With OOD datasets used lsun_resize and imagenet_resize.

Parameters (main.py)

Train Params

  • --batch_size: batch size for data loader
  • --epochs: training epochs
  • --patience: training patience
  • --dataset: cifar10 | cifar100 | svhn
  • --dataroot: path to dataset
  • --outf: folder to output results
  • --num_classes: the # of classes
  • --net_type: resnet | densenet


  • --debug: debug mode to reduce model size and number of tasks
  • --lwf: Baseline LWF flag
  • --ewc: Baseline EWC
  • --reproduce: Reproducing Deep Mahalanobis compute
  • --continual: Class incremental scenario with deep Mahalanobis
  • --mahalanobis: flag to add mahalanobis computation

Continual params

  • --ood_regularizer: Feature regularizer lambda
  • --nb_tasks: number of class incremental tasks
  • --risk: Compute uncertainty of each new task to switch lwf on/off

wandb config

  • --wandb: use wandb for logging the experiment
  • --wandb_api: Wandb API key
  • --wandb_entity: Entity posting wandb logs if any
  • --wandb_project: Project name of wandb logs if any
  • --wandb_run_name: Wandb Run Name


[1]P. Kimin Lee, “A Simple Unified Framework for Detecting Out-of-Distribution Samples and Adversarial Attacks,” in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2018, pp. 184–191, Accessed: Jan. 27, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/1987/file/c81e728d9d4c2f636f067f89cc14862c-Paper.pdf.