Realtime HTTP2 based Game Server and Client SDK using Lidgren and Google Protobuf targeted towards Unity3D
- Realtime GRPC Game Server and Client SDK to talk to it.
- Smart Load Balancer which can work with any amount of Game Serevers.
- Uses GRPC[] for communication.
- Uses Google Protobuf[] for data serialization/deserialization.
- Built in command system, and command queue system to make game development easy.
- Windows
Install vcpkg package manager on your system using the official instructions
- git clone
- cd vcpkg
- bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
- .\vcpkg.exe integrate install
Install gRPC using vcpkg package manager
- .\vcpkg.exe install grpc --triplet x64-windows
- .\vcpkg.exe install grpc
Fixing Please compile grpc with _WIN32_WINNT of at least 0x600
- Add this line - #include <SDKDDKVer.h> in port_platform.h right after
- /* Get windows.h included everywhere (we need it) */
- #if defined(_WIN64) || defined(WIN64) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)