
news college project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The Peppy Post

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Overall Description
  3. System Features
  4. External Interface Requirements
  5. System Features
  6. Other Non-Functional Requirements
  7. Other Requirements


Visit "The Peppy Post" website
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This document provides a comprehensive software requirements specification for "The Peppy Post," a dynamic news website designed to cater to user-specific news preferences and provide a tailored reading experience.

Document Conventions

This document is written using Markdown syntax to enable easy formatting and readability across different platforms and tools.

Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

This document is intended for developers, project managers, and quality assurance teams who will be implementing, maintaining, and testing "The Peppy Post."

Project Scope

The project involves the development of a web application where users can view, select, and bookmark news articles across various categories.


  • HTML5 Specification
  • CSS3 Reference
  • ECMAScript 6 (ES6) Standards

Overall Description

Product Perspective

"The Peppy Post" is an independent product designed to aggregate news from various sources and present it to users based on their selected interests.

Product Functions

  • Dynamic news category selection
  • Personalized news feed generation
  • Article bookmarking for future reference

User Classes and Characteristics

  • Casual Readers: Users looking for a quick update on various topics.
  • Research Users: Users who require in-depth articles for research purposes.

Operating Environment

"The Peppy Post" will operate across all modern web browsers on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

Design and Implementation Constraints

  • The application is limited by the performance of the user's device and browser.
  • Content is static and not fetched in real-time from a server or API.

User Documentation

  • Quick Start Guide
  • FAQ Section
  • Troubleshooting Tips

Assumptions and Dependencies

  • The application assumes that the user has a stable internet connection for loading the application.
  • News content updates depend on manual refreshes by the content management team.

System Features

Home Page View

The home page serves as the entry point to the application, inviting users to begin their reading experience.

News Category Selection

Users can select categories from a predefined list, which will influence the news articles that are displayed to them.

News Display

News articles are displayed in a user-friendly format, allowing for easy reading and navigation between different news sections.


Articles can be bookmarked, with bookmarks being saved in the user's local browser storage for persistence.

(And the document would continue to elaborate on each section as needed, ensuring a thorough coverage of the system requirements and project documentation.)

The full document would include detailed descriptions of each feature, user interface design, and interaction with backend services (if applicable). It would also contain information on error handling, security considerations, and any APIs used by the application. The goal of the SRS is to ensure that the project's scope, features, and constraints are well-documented and understood by all stakeholders involved.

External Interface Requirements

User Interfaces

  • Home Page (index.html): Welcomes users and provides a gateway to the news categories.
  • Category Selection Page (select-news.html): Allows users to select or change their news interests.
  • News Display Page (news.html): Shows news articles filtered by user preference with bookmarking options.

Hardware Interfaces

The application does not interact directly with hardware and is designed to run on standard computing devices with web browsing capabilities.

Software Interfaces

  • Web Browser: Any modern web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge).
  • Local Storage: Uses the browser's local storage to save user preferences and bookmarks.

Communications Interfaces

Currently, there are no real-time network communication requirements as the application uses static content.

Other Non-Functional Requirements

Performance Requirements

  • The application shall load the home page within 2 seconds on standard broadband connections.
  • Category selection and news article updates shall reflect within 500 milliseconds of user action.

Safety Requirements

  • The application shall not expose users to outdated or unsupported web technologies that may compromise security.

Security Requirements

  • User data shall be stored using the browser's local storage and not transmitted over the internet to ensure privacy.

Software Quality Attributes

  • Reliability: The application shall perform consistently under normal operation conditions.
  • Usability: The application shall be easy to navigate for all users, regardless of technical skill.
  • Maintainability: Code shall be well-documented and modular to facilitate easy updates and maintenance.

Business Rules

  • The application shall comply with all relevant copyright laws and fair use policies regarding news content.

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The Peppy Post - Image 2 placeholder

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