Show Me The City


Show Me The City is a full-stack web application conceived and executed collaboratively using agile development methods to build as app that runs in a web browser from any computer or mobile device.

Users can easily add recommendations for local things to do in their area. This allows users visiting from other places to see activites, food and sights that were recommended by locals!

Table of Contents

Application Depoloyment

Live link to the deployed app: Show Me The City App

User Story

  • All users can search for a city and view the recommended sites that locals have added in that city.
  • Users can "sign-up" and in subsequent visits can login to view their personal profile which includes their recommendations and their favorites.
  • User recommendations can be edited and/or deleted if desired.
  • Users can "favorite" a recommendation once they have visited the place in order to signal to other users that they also enjoyed the recommended site.

Technologies Used

  • This app was created using React and follows the Model-View-Controller paradigm.
  • MongoDB was used to store user and recommendation data.
  • Node.js and Express.js were used to create a RESTful API with (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE) routes for adding and updating event data.
  • Firebase was used to handle secure user sign-up and login credentials.
  • The integration of Cloudinary's Javascript SDK provided the functionality required for uploading recommendation photos.
  • Styled-components were used to create reusable components to style the UI.
  • Bootstrap used for front end styling.


The following screenshots demonstrate the application functionality:

----------------------INSERT SCREENSHOTS HERE----------------------


Kelsie Cummings

  • Lead Developer, Cloudinary integration, UI designer

Jake Christensen

  • Developer, Firebase integration, support

Janeé Mays

  • Developer, routes, controllers, support

Kristen Picard

  • Developer, View styling, models, support


License: MIT

MIT License Link