My blog's source code

Kalid's Blog source code.

Proudly powered by Hugo ❤️, Theme by Beautiful Jekyll adapted to Beautiful Hugo,This source code is adapted from the source code of ,his blog is 宋净超, and I would like to express my gratitude.


Let me show you how to add & debug a new post and push it to Github pages and to building a new searching index.

1、Add a new post

Use this command to create a new post:

hugo new posts/

After the new post created, it is located at ./content/posts/

2、 Post head matters

Classic example:

date: "2018-08-03T23:00:15+08:00"
draft: false
title: "here is title"
subtitle: "here is subtitle"
categories: "Affiliated column"
tags: ["tags1","tags2","tags3"]
description: "SEO used for description"
bigimg: [{src: "url", desc: "下标 May 03,2018"}]
nocomment: true
postmeta: false

bigimg:an array, you can specify multiple images in map lists.

postmeta:whether show the post meta data below a post title/subtitle

nocomment: whether show the comment box

###3、Preview and debug

Execute this command the build a preview:

hugo server

To visit for the website preview.

4. Update algolia index

Execute this command to build a new algolia index at the project's base path:

grep -v '"content":' algolia.json>dishuihengxin-hugo.json
rm -f algolia.json

As the new post created there should be a new record added to this file public/dishuihengxin-hugo.json.
