- 2
How to convert png-24 to png-8?
#156 opened by Rebellioncry - 2
Can't make GIFs work properly
#173 opened by ivanjaros - 1
5 years doesn't update?
#169 opened by luohao123 - 1
[Help]Can it compress a tif image of 1GB?
#171 opened by Ted-bug - 0
[Help] Is it possible to blur only part of an image?
#170 opened by mk48 - 1
Export fixOrientation
#160 opened by rigon - 1
resize image become bigger
#154 opened by hyzgh - 3
how can we resize image
#151 opened by lilei10101010 - 0
Maybe it's time to release version 1.6.3 so as not to have to go to the master branch for it
#168 opened by vinser - 1
Snyk reports vulnerability
#167 opened by mcandre - 4
Add support for opening remote images
#143 opened by anonrose - 2
WebP support
#146 opened by inliquid - 0
Specific image will cause the index of the scan function in scanner.go to go out of bounds
#165 opened by pic4xiu - 0
- 0
Paste function panics
#163 opened by daryl-williams - 0
Panic in the Rotate90 function.
#159 opened by hsnks100 - 1
Support HEIF (.heic) files with AutoOrientation
#157 opened by mholt - 1
Cannot apply transparency
#148 opened by rafa-acioly - 1
Blur function add a radius parameter
#145 opened by kidkidkid - 1
What is the different Resize and Thumbnail functions?
#155 opened by delgec - 1
Images not get fully processed even if background is filled with base color?
#153 opened by Atomzwieback - 0
Does imaging support wartermark text?
#152 opened by duke-git - 2
How to get file from postman
#150 opened by surapong-tho - 2
imaging.Open throw error: image: unknown format
#149 opened by leoboboyan - 1
support ico image format
#140 opened by FunkyYang - 1
How to get image width from imaging
#147 opened by plftzk - 3
Incorrect resize image
#144 opened by batazor - 0
Errors when decoding some image files (possibly "corrupted" by some criteria)
#142 opened by inliquid - 2
how to get image byte data
#141 opened by wzhsh90 - 0
ERROR: cannot use cropped (type *image.NRGBA) as type gocv.Mat in argument to window_cropped.IMShow
#139 opened by hiteshhedwig - 2
- 1
support for other data types like io.Reader or []byte
#137 opened by muly - 0
- 2
- 1
Posterization effect?
#134 opened by struffel - 1
typo in README
#133 opened by jftuga - 1
Shear operation
#120 opened by Zireael07 - 6
Huge image size after resize it
#126 opened by max107 - 3
Can not decode PNG format file
#125 opened by netroby - 4
- 0
- 2
can i translate pic to round pic?
#128 opened by rhettli - 2
- 2
PNG compression is invalid
#127 opened by aveyuan - 2
Question: Does it support transparency?
#124 opened by MALDRU - 2
Is there a way to pass the image as io.Reader ?
#121 opened by MohitKS5 - 2
Decode from multipart form
#118 opened by MohitKS5 - 2
Paste should respect alpha transparency
#119 opened by boosh - 1
draw a rectangle in an image
#117 opened - 2
cropping bounding box
#116 opened