The add-on uses to translate words and phrases in any website, epub or pdf. No add-on is faster, easier or more precise!
- Text selection is only required for phrases.
- Use rocker gestures or modifiers (for example ctrl+alt) and mouseclick to quickly translate the word under your cursor.
- Use the context menu to get more options.
- This is a word and phrase translation, it does not translate whole sentences.
- I'm not the author or owner of, I just wrote this web-extension.
All languages from are supported, and if new ones arrive, you can just update the list of languages from within the add-on. And now it's also possible to do a quick search using a combination of [ctrl,shift,alt] + click on a word. Results can be shown as a pop-up or in a new tab or as an in-page translation layer.
Version 5 has been rewritten (and crippled along the way) to work as web-extension, since Firefox discontinues all other add-ons.
Version 4 has been heavily rewritten to work with the new SDK and support multi-process Firefox.
- Support for Fire-Gestures add-on had to be dropped.
- Rocker gestures are now supported out of the box.
- There's an option to use https for secure requests (enabled by default) is a nice dictionary with mostly German English translations, but other languages are also available and growing. shows quite a lot of different possible results, instead of just one, so you have a better chance of finding the correct one.
If you have problems, questions or other feedback, please create an issue here on Github.
If you like it, please write a review.
I've received suggestions on how to improve the add-on, which can't be done without changes on (The website):
- Audio Playback support
- Vocabulary Trainer support
Until support for this has been added in the form of a RESTful API, there is little I can do.
The code of this add-on has been released under the zlib/libpng License