
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) APIs in Nim

Primary LanguageNimMIT LicenseMIT


Google Cloud Platform (GCP) APIs in Nim

Work in Progress

Haven't decided how to handle parameters with empty strings, so for now, you need to supply JSON arguments to the call as per the fallback https://github.com/disruptek/openapi syntax...

Supported APIs

Sadly, only the 180 most popular GCP APIs are supported at this time. 😢


Your import statement names the APIs you want to use and the versions of same, with any hyphens or periods turned into underscores.

import asyncdispatch
import httpclient
import httpcore

import gcplat/firebase_v1beta1  # ie. Firebase v1beta1

# setup authentication with supplied service account credentials
var auth = newAuthenticator("/some/path/service_account.json")

# add some scopes
auth.scope.add "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform"
auth.scope.add "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/logging.write"
auth.scope.add "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive"

  request = firebaseProjectsList.call(path=nil, query=nil, header=nil,
                                      formData=nil, body=nil)
  response = request.retried()
echo waitfor response.body

# you can optionally refresh your authentication token manually
# (by default we ensure the token will last at least 10 seconds)

# to make sure this token won't expire in the next 60 seconds
let freshFor1min = waitfor authenticate(fresh = 60)
assert freshFor1min == true

# to fetch a new token that will expire in 15min
let lasts15min = waitfor authenticate(lifetime = 15 * 60)
assert lasts15min == true


This project is based almost entirely upon the following:

Patches welcome!
