
Node-RED integration for Sensirion SCD30, the CO2, temperature, and humidity sensor.

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Node-RED node for reading measurements from Sensirion SCD30, the CO2, temperature, and humidity sensor.

Uses scd30-node.


Find the scd30 node in the sensor category in the palette, and use in your flow.

SCD30 node

The node replaces the message payload with an object containing the measured values:

  co2Concentration: <number>,
  temperature: <number>,
  relativeHumidity: <number>


The SCD30 must be in continuous measurement mode and a measurement must be available when triggering this node. You can use scd30-cli to set this up:

$ scd30-cli start-continuous-measurement
Continuous measurement started.
Ambient pressure compensation deactivated.

$ scd30-cli set-measurement-interval 5
Continuous measurement interval set to 5 seconds.

The measurement interval must be shorter than the interval at which you sample the sensor in Node-RED.

The permission to read the I2C bus device (e.g. /dev/i2c-1) is required.

Usage in Docker on Raspberry Pi

When starting the Node-RED container, use these options:

  • --device /dev/i2c-1 – point to the I2C device to which the SCD30 is connected
  • --group-add <id of i2c group> – make the container process run as a member of the i2c group

For example:

docker run -d \
  -p 1880:1880 \
  -v /home/pi/.node-red:/data \
  --device /dev/i2c-1 \
  --group-add 998 \
  --name nodered \