An exercise demonstrating knowledge of consuming an published API, and how to display a very basic page with a search box and a map with markers for hits.
This was written to run on Ruby 2.7.4.
cp .env.sample .env
and populate API Keysbundle install
bin/rails s
This POR model wraps the College Scorecard API using Faraday. It is a bit over engineered for the requirements of this exercise, but since I'm interested in backend development and this is exercise feels more designed to showcase frontend skills, I built this wrapper out a bit more than needed.
Example usage:
# Single page results using defaults
one_page_schools ={ '' => 'poly' })
# Or iterate over pages of results
all_schools = []{ '' => 'poly' }) { |schools| all_schools += schools }
- Only requesting 50 schools at a time, because HTTP code 500 responses happened several times when trying to send a
despite documentation (and intermittent successes) - I have more experience with RSpec than Minitest. I have fundamental dislike of the RSpec DSL, so I thought I'd try Minitest for this exercise.
- When I set out to complete this excercise, I had planned to write a task that would populate a local database and demonstrate my Rails backend modeling knowledge, but in the end decided to submit this version. There is a work in progress on the