
A set of ansible scripts to provision my home raspberry pi home automation hub.

Primary LanguageMakefile


A set of ansible scripts to provision my home raspberry pi home automation hub.

Ansible Lint

Local Setup

    1. Clone this repo
    1. Update Submodules
    1. Install Ansible dependencies
      ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Setting new Secrets


  1. Run the following command to encrypt your key.
     ansible-vault encrypt_string \
       --vault-password-file site.yml '<API_KEY>' \
       --name 'datadog_api_key'
  2. Update the encrypted text in the site.yml file
    datadog_api_key: !vault |


make run-debug


make run


make lint


  • TODO: Extract EncryptedString to a vars file
  • Install Pi-Hole -- keeps hanging?
  • Setup SSL -- Let's Encrypt?
  • Further Refactor Structure & roles themselves
  • Setup Auto-Docs -> Github Pages (via actions)
  • Setup Molecule
    • Basic Molecule run on push
    • Build out tests for each role