
The Optimism monorepo

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Optimism is a low-cost and lightning-fast Ethereum L2 blockchain, built with the OP Stack.



Celestia is a modular data availability network that securely scales with the number of users, making it easy for anyone to launch their own blockchain.

Celestia + OP Stack tutorial

If you're looking to run the OP Stack + Celestia setup for this repository, please visit the Optimism & Celestia guides and tutorials to get started.

What are Optimism and the OP Stack?

Optimism is a project dedicated to scaling Ethereum's technology and expanding its ability to coordinate people from across the world to build effective decentralized economies and governance systems. The Optimism Collective builds open-source software for running L2 blockchains and aims to address key governance and economic challenges in the wider cryptocurrency ecosystem. Optimism operates on the principle of impact=profit, the idea that individuals who positively impact the Collective should be proportionally rewarded with profit. Change the incentives and you change the world.

The OP Stack powers Optimism, an Ethereum L2 blockchain, and forms the technical foundation for the the Optimism Collective—a group committed to the impact=profit principle. This principle rewards individuals for their positive contributions to the collective.

Optimism addresses critical coordination failures in the crypto ecosystem, such as funding public goods and infrastructure. The OP Stack focuses on creating a shared, open-source system for developing new L2 blockchains within the proposed Superchain ecosystem, promoting collaboration and preventing redundant efforts.

As Optimism evolves, the OP Stack will adapt, encompassing components ranging from blockchain infrastructure to governance systems. This software suite aims to simplify L2 blockchain creation while supporting the growth and development of the Optimism ecosystem.

What is Celestia?

Celestia is a modular consensus and data network, built to enable anyone to easily deploy their own blockchain with minimal overhead.

Celestia is a minimal blockchain that only orders and publishes transactions and does not execute them. By decoupling the consensus and application execution layers, Celestia modularizes the blockchain technology stack and unlocks new possibilities for decentralized application builders. Lean more at Celestia.org.


The maintenance guide for this repository can be found in the Wiki tab of the repository or here.


If you want to build on top of Celestia, take a look at the documentation at docs.celestia.org.

If you want to learn more about the OP Stack, check out the documentation at stack.optimism.io.



General discussion happens most frequently on the Optimism discord. Governance discussion can also be found on the Optimism Governance Forum.


General discussion happens most frequently on the Celestia discord. Other discussions can be found on the Celestia forum.

e2e testing

This repository has updated end-to-end tests in the op-e2e package to work with Celestia as the data availability (DA) layer.

Currently, the tests assume a working Celestia devnet running locally:

docker run -p 26650:26650 ghcr.io/rollkit/local-celestia-devnet:v0.12.2

The e2e tests can be triggered with:

cd $HOME/optimism
cd op-e2e
OP_E2E_DISABLE_PARALLEL=true OP_E2E_CANNON_ENABLED=false OP_NODE_DA_RPC=localhost:26650 OP_BATCHER_DA_RPC=localhost:26650 make test


If you have the OP Stack + Celestia setup running, you can test out bridging from the L1 to the L2.

To do this, first navigate to the packages/contracts-bedrock directory and create a .env file with the following contents:


Then, run the following from the same directory:

npx hardhat deposit --network devnetL1 --l1-provider-url http://localhost:8545 --l2-provider-url http://localhost:9545 --amount-eth <AMOUNT> --to <ADDRESS>

Directory Structure

├── docs: A collection of documents including audits and post-mortems
├── op-bindings: Go bindings for Bedrock smart contracts.
├── op-batcher: L2-Batch Submitter, submits bundles of batches to L1
├── op-bootnode: Standalone op-node discovery bootnode
├── op-chain-ops: State surgery utilities
├── op-challenger: Dispute game challenge agent
├── op-e2e: End-to-End testing of all bedrock components in Go
├── op-exporter: Prometheus exporter client
├── op-heartbeat: Heartbeat monitor service
├── op-node: rollup consensus-layer client
├── op-preimage: Go bindings for Preimage Oracle
├── op-program: Fault proof program
├── op-proposer: L2-Output Submitter, submits proposals to L1
├── op-service: Common codebase utilities
├── op-wheel: Database utilities
├── ops-bedrock: Bedrock devnet work
├── packages
│   ├── chain-mon: Chain monitoring services
│   ├── common-ts: Common tools for building apps in TypeScript
│   ├── contracts-ts: ABI and Address constants
│   ├── contracts-bedrock: Bedrock smart contracts
│   ├── core-utils: Low-level utilities that make building Optimism easier
│   └── sdk: provides a set of tools for interacting with Optimism
├── proxyd: Configurable RPC request router and proxy
└── specs: Specs of the rollup starting at the Bedrock upgrade