
Set of functions helpful for formatting

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Build Status

Set of functions helpful for formatting. Formatting functions always return string.
This library also comes with optional mount module at district.format.mount, that helps to set up global configuration in a cleaner way.


Clojars Project
into your project.clj

Include [district.format] in your CLJS file
Optionally include [district.format.mount] in your CLJS file, where you use mount/start

API Overview


format-datetime [date & [formatter]]

Formats cljs-time datetime. Optionally you can pass a formatter. List of available formatters can be found at cljs-time.format/formatters, or you can pass formatting string as well.

Default formatter can be set at format/*default-datetime-formatter* or with mount under the key :default-datetime-formatter.

Default: :rfc822

(format/format-datetime (t/date-time 2018 2 3))
;; => "Sat, 03 Feb 2018 00:00:00 Z"

(format/format-datetime (t/date-time 2018 2 3) :basic-date)
;; => "20180203"

format-local-datetime [date & [formatter]]

Formats local datetime.

Default formatter can be set at format/*default-local-datetime-formatter* or with mount under the key :default-local-datetime-formatter.

Default: :rfc822

(format/format-local-datetime (t/local-date-time 2018 2 3 10 11 12))
;; => "Sat, 03 Feb 2018 10:11:12"

format-date [date & [formatter]]

Formats date.

Default formatter can be set at format/*default-date-formatter* or with mount under the key :default-date-formatter.

Default: "EEE, dd MMM yyyy"

(format/format-date (t/date-time 2018 2 3))
;; => "Sat, 03 Feb 2018"

format-local-date [date & [formatter]]

Formats local date.

Default formatter can be set at format/*default-local-date-formatter* or with mount under the key :default-local-date-formatter.

Default: "EEE, dd MMM yyyy"

(format/format-local-date (t/local-date-time 2018 2 3))
;; => "Sat, 03 Feb 2018"

format-number [x & [opts]]

Formats a number.
Optional opts:

  • :locale
  • :max-fraction-digits
  • :min-fraction-digits

Default locale can be set at format/*default-locale* or with mount under the key :default-locale.
Default max-fraction-digits can be set at format/*default-max-number-fraction-digits* or with mount under the key :default-max-number-fraction-digits.

Default locale: "en-US" Default max-fraction-digits: 2

(format/format-number 1000000.12945678)
;; => "1,000,000.13"

(format/format-number 1000000.12945678 {:locale "de-DE" :max-fraction-digits 3})
;; => "1.000.000,129"

format-currency [x & [opts]]

Formats a number with fiat currency.
Optional opts:

  • :locale
  • :max-fraction-digits
  • :min-fraction-digits
  • :currency

Default locale can be set at format/*default-locale* or with mount under the key :default-locale.
Default max-fraction-digits can be set at format/*default-max-currency-fraction-digits* or with mount under the key :default-max-currency-fraction-digits.
Default min-fraction-digits can be set at format/*default-min-currency-fraction-digits* or with mount under the key :default-min-currency-fraction-digits.

Default locale: "en-US" Default max-fraction-digits: 2 Default min-fraction-digits: nil

(format/format-currency 1000000.12945678 {:currency "USD"})
;; => "$1,000,000.13"

format-token [x & [opts]]

Formats a number.
Optional opts:

  • :locale
  • :max-fraction-digits
  • :min-fraction-digits
  • :token

Default locale can be set at format/*default-locale* or with mount under the key :default-locale.
Default max-fraction-digits can be set at format/*default-max-token-fraction-digits* or with mount under the key :default-max-token-fraction-digits.
Default min-fraction-digits can be set at format/*default-min-token-fraction-digits* or with mount under the key :default-min-token-fraction-digits.

Default locale: "en-US" Default max-fraction-digits: 2 Default min-fraction-digits: nil

(format/format-token 1000000.12945678 {:token "DNT"})
;; => "1,000,000.13 DNT"

format-eth [x & [opts]]

Calls format-token with token ETH.

(format/format-eth 1000000.12945678)
;; => "1,000,000.13 ETH"

format-dnt [x & [opts]]

Calls format-token with token DNT.

(format/format-dnt 1000000.12945678)
;; => "1,000,000.13 DNT"

format-number-metric [x & [opts]]

Formats number in shortened form with metric unit symbols.

(format/format-number-metric 10000)
;; => "10K"

(format/format-number-metric 10000000)
;; => "10M"

etherscan-addr-url [address]

Returns etherscan url for an address

(format/etherscan-addr-url "0x7d10b16dd1f9e0df45976d402879fb496c114936")
;; => "https://etherscan.io/address/0x7d10b16dd1f9e0df45976d402879fb496c114936"

etherscan-tx-url [tx-hash]

Returns etherscan url for a transaction

(format/etherscan-tx-url "0x60a1ef75c4217e2a23eab7ae508ff000b458abe92a2f80d766da1223917faa26")
;; => "https://etherscan.io/tx/0x60a1ef75c4217e2a23eab7ae508ff000b458abe92a2f80d766da1223917faa26"

time-ago [from-time & [to-time]]

Returns time ago string. If to-time is not given, current time is used.

(format/time-ago (t/minus (t/now) (t/minutes 5)))
;; => "5 minutes ago"

(format/time-ago (t/date-time 2017 10 10) (t/date-time 2017 11 10))
;; => "1 month ago"

pluralize [n & [word ending1 ending2]]

(format/pluralize 2 "car")
;; => "2 cars"

(format/pluralize 2 "lad" "y" "ies")
;; => "2 ladies"

truncate [string length & [suffix]]

(format/truncate "abcdefghlij" 6)
;; => "abc..."

(format/truncate "abcdefghlij" 2 "")
;; => "ab"

format-bool [true?]

(format/format-bool true)
;; => "true"

format-time-unit [unit amount & [opts]]

(format/format-time-unit :days 1)
;; => "1 day"

(format/format-time-unit :seconds 2)
;; => "2 seconds"

(format/format-time-unit :seconds 2 {:short? true})
;; => "2 sec."

format-time-units [time-units & [opts]]

(format/format-time-units {:days 1 :hours 10 :minutes 4 :seconds 5})
;; => "1 day 10 hours 4 minutes 5 seconds"

(format/format-time-units {:hours 10 :minutes 4 :seconds 5} {:short? true})
;; => "10 hours 4 min. 5 sec."

zero-time-units? [time-units]

(format/zero-time-units? {:days 0 :hours 0 :minutes 0 :seconds 0})
;; => true

(format/zero-time-units? {:days 0 :hours 0 :minutes 0 :seconds 1})
;; => false

format-url [path query-map]

(format/format-url "/abc" {:a 1 :b 2})
;; => "/abc?a=1&b=2"

format-namespaced-kw [kw]

(format/format-namespaced-kw :a/b)
;; => "a/b"

format-percentage [portion total & [format-opts]]

(format/format-percentage 1 3)
;; => "33.3%"

(format/format-percentage 1 7 {:max-fraction-digits 4})
;; => "14.2857%"

ensure-trailing-slash []

(format/ensure-trailing-slash "")
;; => ""

(format/ensure-trailing-slash "")
;; => ""

clj->json []

(format/clj->json {:title "PepeSmile"
                   :image-hash "data"
                   :search-tags "pepe frog dank"})
;; => "{\"title\":\"PepeSmile\",\"image-hash\":\"data\",\"search-tags\":\"pepe frog dank\"}"


With mount you can setup all global configs at once under the key :format.

  (ns my-district.core
    (:require [mount.core :as mount]
  (-> (mount/with-args
        {:format {:default-datetime-formatter :basic-ordinal-date-time-no-ms
                  :default-local-datetime-formatter :basic-week-date-time
                  :default-local-date-formatter :week-date
                  :default-date-formatter :date
                  :default-locale "sk-SK"
                  :default-max-number-fraction-digits 4
                  :default-max-currency-fraction-digits 5
                  :default-min-currency-fraction-digits 3
                  :default-max-token-fraction-digits 6
                  :default-min-token-fraction-digits 3}})


lein deps
# To run tests and rerun on changes
lein doo chrome tests