=== TinyMCE Templates ===
Contributors: miyauchi
Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=CTUKCMFHF79K2
Tags: tinymce, Visual Editor, template
Requires at least: 3.5
Tested up to: 3.5
Stable tag: 3.0.2

TinyMCE Template plugin will enable to use HTML template on WordPress Visual Editor.
You can edit and share this template with WordPress users.

== Description ==

TinyMCE Template plugin will enable to use HTML template on WordPress Visual Editor.
You can edit and share this template with WordPress users.

If you will install this plugin, You will be very easy to edit posts and pages.

* [GitHub](https://github.com/miya0001/tinymce-templates)
* [Plugin Homepage (en)](http://wpist.me/wp/tinymce-templates/)
* [Plugin Homepage (ja)](http://firegoby.theta.ne.jp/wp/tinymce_templates)
* [Support](http://wordpress.org/tags/tinymce-templates)

= Some features: =

* Add "Insert Template" button to Visual Editor.
* You can edit template on WordPress admin.
* Share template with WordPress Users.
* Copy to template from posts & pages.

= Translators: =

* Japanese(ja) - [Takayuki Miyauchi](http://wpist.me/)
* Italian(it_IT) - [Andrea Bersi](http://www.andreabersi.com)
* Swedish(sv_SE) - Tobias Bergius
* German(de_DE) - [Martin Lettner](http://www.martinlettner.info/)
* Spanish(es_ES) - [David Bravo](http://www.dimensionmultimedia.com/)
* Dutch(nl_NL) - [Frank Groeneveld](http://ivaldi.nl/)
* French(fr_FR) - [HAROUY Jean-Michel](http://www.laposte.net/)
* Brazilian Portuguese(pt_BR) - [Rafael Funchal](http://www.rafaelfunchal.com.br/)
* Filipino(fil_PH) - [Morten Elm](http://www.storbyfan.dk/)
* Russian(ru_RU) - ihtimir
* Branco(sk_SK) - [Branco](http://webhostinggeeks.com/user-reviews/)

You can send your own language pack to me.

== Installation ==

* A plug-in installation screen is displayed on the WordPress admin panel.
* It installs it in `wp-content/plugins`.
* The plug-in is made effective.
* Open 'Template' menu.

== Screenshots ==

1. Template Admin.
2. Visual Editor.
3. Copy to new template from Edit Page.
4. Copy to new template from Admin Bar.

== Changelog ==
* 3.0.0 - WordPress 3.5 fix
* [2.9.0](http://wpist.me/2012/06/14/tinymce-templates-2-9-0/)
* [2.8.0](http://wpist.me/2012/05/24/tinymce-templates-2-8-0/)
* [2.7.0](http://wpist.me/2012/05/19/tinymce-templates-2-7-0/)
* [2.6.0](http://wpist.me/2011/11/14/tinymce-templates-2-6-0/)
* [2.4.0](http://wpist.me/2011/11/14/tinymce-templates-2-4-0/)
* [2.3.0](http://wpist.me/2011/11/14/tinymce-templates-2-3-0/)
* [2.2.0](http://wpist.me/2011/11/13/tinymce-templates-2-2-0/)

== Credits ==

This plug-in is not guaranteed though the user of WordPress can freely use this plug-in free of charge regardless of the purpose.
The author must acknowledge the thing that the operation guarantee and the support in this plug-in use are not done at all beforehand.

== Contact ==

* http://wpist.me/
* twitter @wpist_me

== Special Thanks ==

* @kernfel on Twitter