DITA Open Toolkit Project Docker Configurations
Configuration files for Docker containers for the base DITA Open Toolkit as released by the DITA Open Toolkit project (http://dita-ot.org).
This project provides Docker configuration files (Dockerfile) for Docker containers that provide DITA Open Toolkit images that reflect the out-of-the-box DITA Open Toolkit.
See http://www.dita-community.org/dita-ot-project-docker/ for the full documentation on how to use and extend the DITA OT containers.
The dita-ot-base container provides an extendable container that can be used to create additional containers with additional plugins or other resources added.
The dita-ot container is a working container that provides the volumes needed by other containers to work with the Open Toolkit or use the container with files on the host machine. It cannot be used for extension (because the volume containing the Open Toolkit itself gets reset on subsequent layers once it's set in the Dockerfile).
The base container defines two volumes intended to be mount points for host directories:
- VOLUME /opt/dita-ot/data - Mount directory containing the source data to process.
- VOLUME /opt/dita-ot/out - Mount directory to hold output. This directory must be writable by the OT process. If you are using Docker for Mac or Docker for Windows, any directory under /Users should be fine.
In addition, working DITA OT containers should define the volume /opt/dita-ot/DITA-OT, which makes the DITA OT itself available to other containers via the --volumes-from Docker runtime parameter (for example, to access the OT-managed catalog-dita.xml master entity resolution catalog).
To generate the HTML5 version of the project Web site, do the following:
- If you haven't already, make a new clone of the project and check out branch "gh-pages". This clone will be the target of the output
- Run the following Docker command (OS X version, for Windows add "/c" before "/Users" in the -v parameter):
docker run \
-v /Users/ekimber/workspace-dita-community:/opt/dita/data dita4publishers/dita-ot \
ant -Dargs.input /opt/dita/data/dita-ot-project-docker/docs/dita-ot-docker-guide.ditamap \
-Doutput.dir /opt/dita/data/dita-ot-project-docker_gh-pages \
-Dtranstype d4p-html5
Where "/Users/ekimber/workspace-dita-community" is the directory where you have both clones of the project. This directory must be under the /Users directory. 3. Check the generated HTML in the gh-pages clone. If it's good, commit and push.