
Works with Elixir maps where keys are strings

Primary LanguageElixir


Works with Elixir maps where keys are strings


It's a very basic module (not app) which helps to manage Elixir maps with string keys


Let's say you have a map like this

m = %{"a" => %{"b" => %{"c" => 1}, "b1" => 2}, "a1" => 3}

And you have to get the "c" value

StrMap.get(m, "a.b.c") # 1

That's it. Now let's say the value under the "c" key is a list

m = %{"a" => %{"b" => %{"c" => [1,2,3]}, "b1" => 2}, "a1" => 3}

We'd like to get the second element of the list (starting from 0)

StrMap.get(m, "a.b.c.[1]") # 2

Okay, seems legit. If we want to add some elements into the map

StrMap.put!(m, "a.b.c.[3]", :test) # %{"a" => %{"b" => %{"c" => [1,2,3,:test]}, "b1" => 2}, "a1" => 3}

Basically, we can do something like this

StrMap.put!(m, "a.b.c.[999]", :test) # %{"a" => %{"b" => %{"c" => [1,2,3,:test]}, "b1" => 2}, "a1" => 3}

We'll get the incoming value as the last element of the list. And we can update our map

StrMap.put!(m, "a.b.c.[1]", :test) # %{"a" => %{"b" => %{"c" => [1,:test,3]}, "b1" => 2}, "a1" => 3}

If you want to add/replace some element

m = StrMap.put!(m, "a.b.c.d", [4,5,6]) # %{"a" => %{"b" => %{"c" => %{"d" => [4, 5, 6]}}, "b1" => 2}, "a1" => 3}

m = StrMap.put!(m, "a.b.c.d.[1].e", :test) # %{"a" => %{"b" => %{"c" => %{"d" => [4, %{"e" => :test}, 6]}}, "b1" => 2},"a1" => 3}


get/2 now returns nil if there's no such an element, so it's now get/2 (not get!/2)

Work with numeric keys added.

m = %{"a" => %{1 => "1", 2 => "2"}}
StrMap.get(m, "a.#2") # "2"


I guess I should add some tests