
My Monero P2Pool server config

Primary LanguageShell


This is my XMR p2pool (SChernykh/p2pool) server config.

  • User: p2pool
  • p2pool $HOME: /opt/p2pool.
  • Binary file location: $HOME/.local/bin.
  • Monerod data dir: $HOME/.bitmonero.
  • Monerod config file: $HOME/.config/monero/monerod-mainnet.conf.
  • P2Pool working dir: $HOME/.local/lib/p2pool.

Create the user and set the environment

# Create user for p2pool, change the shell with your fav shell
useradd -s /usr/bin/zsh -d /opt/p2pool -mr p2pool

# As p2pool user
mkdir -p $HOME/.local/lib/p2pool/api

Both monerod and p2pool run by the same user (p2pool).