
MongoDB adapter for Casbin using Official MongoDB Go Driver

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Archived and no longer maintained. The original Casbin MongoDB Adapter is now using the official MongoDB Go Driver.

MongoDB Adapter Build Status Coverage Status Godoc

This fork uses the official MongoDB Go Driver instead of MGO.

MongoDB Adapter is the Mongo DB adapter for Casbin. With this library, Casbin can load policy from MongoDB or save policy to it.


go get github.com/ditchx/mongodb-adapter/v2

Simple Example

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Initialize a MongoDB adapter and use it in a Casbin enforcer:
	// The adapter will use the database named "casbin".
	// If it doesn't exist, the adapter will create it automatically.
	a := mongodbadapter.NewAdapter("mongodb://") // Your MongoDB URL.

	// Or you can use an existing DB "abc" like this:
	// The adapter will use the table named "casbin_rule".
	// If it doesn't exist, the adapter will create it automatically.
	// a := mongodbadapter.NewAdapter("mongodb://", mongodbadapter.DBName("abc") )

	// You can also pass a connected *mongo.Client if you want to reuse one.
	// The adapter will not be responsible for automatically connecting/disconnecting the client, though.
	// client, _ := mongo.Connect(context.Background(), options.Client().ApplyURI("mongodb://"))
	// a := mongodbadapter.NewAdapterFromClient(client, mongodbadapter.DBName("abc") )

	e, err := casbin.NewEnforcer("examples/rbac_model.conf", a)
	if err != nil {

	// Load the policy from DB.

	// Check the permission.
	e.Enforce("alice", "data1", "read")

	// Modify the policy.
	// e.AddPolicy(...)
	// e.RemovePolicy(...)

	// Save the policy back to DB.

Filtered Policies

import "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson"

// This adapter also implements the FilteredAdapter interface. This allows for
// efficent, scalable enforcement of very large policies:
filter := &bson.M{"v0": "alice"}

// The loaded policy is now a subset of the policy in storage, containing only
// the policy lines that match the provided filter. This filter should be a
// valid MongoDB selector using BSON. A filtered policy cannot be saved.

Getting Help


This project is under Apache 2.0 License. See the LICENSE file for the full license text.