
Shows the timeline of a daily life of a co-op/intern. Current co-ops can enter their daily life through an online form and then other students can see it to know more about that coop and company. WINNER: Best College Themed Hack at Revolution UC 2016.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Coop-Koala - Won Best College Themed Hack at Revolution UC 2016

Shows the timeline of a daily life of a co-op/intern. Current co-ops can enter their daily life through an online form and then other students can see it to know more about that coop and company.


Inspired by the layout of sites like [Facebook] (https://www.facebook.com/notes/facebook/timeline-now-available-worldwide/10150408488962131/) to show content in a chronological timeline form which is visually informative and relevant.

What it does

Shows the timeline of a daily life of a co-op/intern. Current co-ops can enter their daily life through an online form and then other students can see it to know more about that coop and company.

CoopKoala Landing

![CoopKoala Intro] (https://challengepost-s3-challengepost.netdna-ssl.com/photos/production/software_photos/000/378/221/datas/gallery.jpg) ![Coop Koala Timeline] (https://challengepost-s3-challengepost.netdna-ssl.com/photos/production/software_photos/000/378/223/datas/gallery.jpg) ![CoopKoala Timeline] (https://challengepost-s3-challengepost.netdna-ssl.com/photos/production/software_photos/000/378/224/datas/gallery.jpg)

How I built it

Built using HTML, CSS and Javascript. Frameworks were used to rapidly prototype the development process. List of frameworks used in no particular order:

Challenges I ran into and what I learned

We had to finish our prototype in 24 hours and that time crunch made for a good challenge. After considering many options, I had to use different frameworksa s writing everything from scratch would have been a long process. Our focus was to complete the project than to write good quality code. While we were able to finish the website, there is room for improvement as far as structure and semantics of the webpage is concerned.

It was a great learning process, both ona technical and personal level. Among other things, I learned how to properly position CSS elements and make the wwebpage responsive.

What's next

Adding a login form for both current coops/interns and students to save their favorite jobs and compare them with other jobs. And to correct broken parts of code and make the back-end more robust and secure.

What's next for CoopKoala

Make a simple yet powerful platform for high school and college students to learn about different jobs amd companies ad decide what is a good fit for them.