
Allows you to add constant inputs to events in Serverless 1.0. This is defined in https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/simply-serverless-use-constant-values-in-cloudwatch-event-triggered-lambda-functions/ .

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Serverless event constant inputs

Allows you to add constant inputs to events in Serverless 1.0. This is defined in https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/simply-serverless-use-constant-values-in-cloudwatch-event-triggered-lambda-functions/ .

Build Status Coverage Status npm

How to use

Add either a simple string as an input field to an event schedule, or an object.

    handler: handler.esi
      - schedule:
          rate: cron(0 1 * * ? *)
          enabled: true
            provider: stubhub
            is_delta: true
      - schedule:
          rate: cron(0 2 * * ? *)
          enabled: true
          input: '{"provider": "see_tickets"}'

The above shows adding input values to 2 scheduled events. The first as an object and the second as a string.