
Tail logs from ElasticSearch logging backend

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Display logs from ElasticSearch in tail -f manner


> npm install -g cocaine-es-tailf


Stream logs with command:

$ es-tailf --es-host elastic01d.tst.ape.yandex.net --source-path '*user-name*'

which is an equivalent of querying kibana with query * and filter @source_path:(*user-name*).

Other options available:

es-host (required) -- ElasticSearch host to query

es-port (by default 9200)

source-path (required) -- equivalent of @source_path filter field in kibana

source-host (by default *) -- equivalent of @source_host filter field in kibana

-f (specify many times for multiple fields) -- fields to display in search result, ['@timestamp', '@source_host', '@source_path', '@message'] by-default.

Thus, the example in Usage section is an equivalent of the following command:

$ es-tailf --es-host elastic01d.tst.ape.yandex.net \
    --es-port 9200 \
    --source-path '*user-name*' \
    --source-host '*' \
    -f @timestamp -f @source_host -f @source_path -f @message


Probably many unknown; if encounter something, run with DEBUG=es-tailf, and please send bug report.