
This is small script for converting binary masks to yolo segmentation format.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



This script can be used to convert binary masks images to yolo format segmentation files. It may work not so good when segments have "holes".
In demo.ipynb you can see detailed logic of this script.


Developed and tested on python 3.10 + opencv

How to use


The script has following params (defaults should work not so bad):
EXTENTION - the extention of binary masks (png/jpg/...)
CLASS_ID - number of class (for binary segmentation: 1/0)
MASK_THRES_MIN & MASK_THRES_MAX - limits to detect mask on binary image
AREA_THRES - minimal part of total image area that contour shoud cover not to be ignored
CURVE_RATIO - parameter to decrease the ammount of points


Simply run:

python3 converter.py PATH_TO_MASKS PATH_TO_YOLO_MASKS