
💉 SwiftUI-Environment based dependency injection

Primary LanguageSwiftApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

SwiftUI Dependencies

SwiftUI-Environment based dependency injection


First you create your dependencies, by creating DependencyKeys for them and adding them to DependencyValues, similar to declaring SwiftUI-Environment values. But additionally to a defaultValue, you also provide a previewValue (automatically used in SwiftUI Previews) and testingValue (automatically used in Unit-Tests).

After you can access the dependencies in ViewModels and Views.


private struct MyDependencyKey: DependencyKey {
    static var defaultValue: String {
    static var previewValue: String {
    static var testingValue: String {

extension DependencyValues {
    var myDependency: String {
        get { self[MyDependencyKey.self] }
        set { self[MyDependencyKey.self] = newValue }

You can always provide a custom value for views. The value will be propagated through the view hiearachy.

    .dependency(\.myDependency, "New Value")

Usage in a ObservableObject

Instead of conforming to ObservableObject the view model should conform to ObservableDependencyObject. The DependencyValues of the current context will be provided in the required initializer.

final class ViewModel: ObservableDependencyObject {
    required init(dependencies: DependencyValues) {
        // Access the dependencies needed for this ViewModel

struct ContentView: View {
    @DependencyObject private var viewModel: ViewModel
    var body: some View {

In case you need a custom initializer for the view model, you can initialize the view model with dependencies like this:

final class ViewModel: ObservableDependencyObject {
    let customProperty: String
    required init(customProperty: String, dependencies: DependencyValues) {
        self.customProperty = customProperty
        // Access the dependencies needed for this ViewModel

struct ContentView: View {
    @DependencyObject private var viewModel: ViewModel
    init() {
        _viewModel = DependencyObject { dependencies in
            ViewModel(customProperty: "Custom", dependencies: dependencies)
    var body: some View {

Usage with Obervable

The model should conform to ObservableDependency and instead of annotating your model with State in the view, the model should be annotated with DependencyState. The DependencyValues of the current context will be provided in the required initializer.

final class Model: ObservableDependency {
    required init(dependencies: DependencyValues) {
        // Access the dependencies needed for this ViewModel

struct ContentView: View {
    @DependencyState private var model: Model
    var body: some View {

Usage in a View

You can access dependencies directly in views by using the Dependency annotation.

struct ContentView: View {
    @Dependency(\.myDependency) private var myDependency
    var body: some View {


See the demo project for some example implementations
