
Not Google Devs Society 모집

2024-2학기 모집

  • Vice President
  • Event planner
  • 멤버


  • We are the Not Google Devs society
  • Learn and Practice Data Engineering, Data Science, AI, Cloud, anything
  • Attend bi-weekly sessions
  • Work on projects alone and with others


  • 새로운 도전 사랑하는 분
  • 코딩 사랑하는 분
  • 영어 가능 분/영어 배우는 분

현재 세미나 스케줄

  • MLOps이란?
  • Data Engineering이란?
  • HuggingFace 뭐지?
  • RAG 앱 만들까?
  • Hackathon
  • 영국쪽 Essex Uni 컴퓨터학과 동아리 collaboration

President으로부터 말씀

Hi. My name is Ivan, 경영정보시스템 석사. I invite you to learn and have fun together in the Not Google Devs society. 저만 아니라 여러분도 이 동아리 대표라 재미있는 프로젝트, 발표, 아이디어, 아무나 - 다 환영합니다. 이 동아리 멤버십을 통해 teamwork, critical thinking, communication 스킬들 연마되며 경쟁력을 갖게 되겠습니다

Not Google Devs는 새롭게 나올 동아리라 관심이 있으시다면 성함-학과-학년 (예: 박민수-컴퓨터과학-3년3학기) 카톡으로 보내주세요


KakaoTalk ID: divakaivan

Society LinkedIn:


Society Member Levels

Newbie L0


  • attend our first meeting (date: tbd)

Entry L1


  • attend 2 meetings

  • (optional) add the society and your level to your LinkedIn account

Junior L2


  • develop a project of choice with a society member

  • attend 3 meetings

  • (optional) add the society and your level to your LinkedIn account

Senior L3


  • present a paper or project in a society meeting on a subject of your choice

  • attend the society hackathon

  • attend 4 meetings

  • (optional) add the society and your level to your LinkedIn account

Lead L4


  • present a paper or project in a society meeting on a subject of your choice

  • finish top 3 in the society hackathon

  • (optional) add the society and your level to your LinkedIn account

Our goal is to encourage learning, communication, teamwork, critical thinking, presentation - all skills required in the work environment.

Our LinkedIn