jDbT is a small utility designed to quickly generate SQL schemas and associated information from a lightweight spec.
- Test
- Prod
name: text
line1: text
line2: text
zip: text
city: text
country: text
+?title: text
?content: text
firstname: text
lastname: text
nickname: text
status: status | 'Test'
__unique: [ firstname, lastname ]
+name: text
__check: name <> 'prolapse'
__pk: [ tag_id, post_id ]
jdbt ./schema.yml > schema.sql
jdbt ./schema.yml dot | dot -Tpng -o schema.png
# or
curl -F "schema=<schema.yml" http://jdbt.cleverapps.io/
create type status as enum('Test', 'Prod');
create table team (
team_id uuid primary key,
name text not null
create table address (
address_id uuid primary key,
line1 text not null,
line2 text not null,
zip text not null,
city text not null,
country text not null
create table post (
post_id uuid primary key,
title text unique,
content text
create table member (
member_id uuid primary key,
firstname text not null,
lastname text not null,
nickname text not null,
team_id uuid references team(team_id),
address_id uuid not null references address(address_id),
status status default 'Test'::status not null,
unique (firstname, lastname)
create table tag (
tag_id uuid primary key,
name text not null unique,
constraint cst_0 check (name <> 'prolapse')
create table post_tag (
post_id uuid not null references post(post_id),
tag_id uuid not null references tag(tag_id),
primary key (tag_id, post_id)
stack setup
stack build
stack install
The input is a yml
file describing the tables.
The following conventions are assumed:
- every field has a
not null
constraint by default, unless it has a?
at the beginning of its name +
at the beginning of a field name means it has aunique
constraint- all tables have a primary key named
of type uuid - every column named
is assumed to be a foreign key
ToDo: allow the overriding of these conventions:
- allow to define these properties explicitely
- don't add the primary key if there is already one defined
Right now only PostgreSQL is supported. Are there any other RDBMSs out there anyway?
jDbT can output a file in the dot
format, which you can compile with dot
from Graphviz
jDbT was originally a python script put together by @clementd, @ahoy_jon and @benjaminvialle for contract work. @clementd rewrote it from scratch in Haskell after a few years.