Page History

The Page history feature lets you see all changes made to a page, when. You can view and restore past versions of any Roam page going back indefinitely.



  • Now, the cache is saved locally first, which makes the saving and viewing process more efficient. All history data is saved into one file, and the file URL is stored in [[roam/plugin/page history]] as the first child block.
  • Local cache will be automatically uploaded to Roam Service every 60 minutes after the first local cache is created (you can also change the interval time in the settings). You can click the button in the bottom right corner of the screen to upload immediately.

Access page history

  • Click the ••• menu at the top right of any Roam page. Choose Page history.


  • This opens the Page history window, which enables you to:
    • See all past versions of the current page in a list down the right-hand side. (Every change made to a page creates a separate snapshot.)
    • Click on any past version to see what the page looked like at that point in time and difference with its prev version.

Note: Here's how page history functions!

If you are actively editing a page, a snapshot of the current version of the page will be captured every ten minutes (You can change it in settings panel).

Restore past page history snapshots

  • You can restore an entire past version so it becomes your current version of the page.

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