
Algorithm which transforms poor quality JPEGs with writing written over the top of them to high quality images.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Algorithm which transforms poor quality JPEGs with writing written over the top of them to high quality images.

Steps followed were:

  • Function which takes an high quality image and crappifies it
  • Created a Generator: Used U-Net with ResNet arch and Pixel-MSE as loss function
  • Created a Critic: Used Binary cross entrophy to classify images whether they are generated images or real images.
  • Created a GAN learner using pre-trained Generator and Critic which will train the generator once and then train the critic till it's loss is < 0.5 and then switch back to train generator. This switching is automatically done by AdaptiveGANSwitcher()

Project is still in progress and trying to implement a technique explained in “Perceptual losses for real time style transfer and super resolution” paper to get better results