
Federalist is a unified interface for publishing static government websites.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


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Under active development. Everything is subject to change. Learn more at the documentation site. Interested in talking to us? Join our public chat room.

Federalist is a unified interface for publishing static government websites. It automates common tasks for integrating GitHub and Amazon Web Services to provide a simple way for developers to launch new static websites or more easily manage existing static websites.

Getting started

To run the server, you'll need Node.js. You'll also need nvm.

env variables

In Production

We have a few environment variables that the application uses. In production, those variables are provided to the application either through the Cloud Foundry environment or through Cloud Foundry services.

To inspect the way the environment is provided to the application in production and staging, look at manifest.yml and staging_manifest.yml respectively. To see how the application receives those configurations, looks at config/env/production.js.

The following environment variables are set on the Cloud Foundry environment in the application manifest:

  • NODE_ENV: The node environment where the app should run. When running in Cloud Foundry this should always be set to production, even for the staging environment
  • APP_ENV: The application environment in which the app should run. Valid values are production and staging.
  • LOG_LEVEL: Sets the log level for the app.
  • NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION: This should be set to true in Cloud Foundry to prevent Yarn/NPM from installing dev dependencies
  • NODE_MODULES_CACHE: This should be set to true in Cloud Foundry to prevent caching node modules since those are vendored by Federalist
  • APP_NAME: The name of the Cloud Foundry application
  • APP_COMAIN: The hostname where the application runs in Cloud Foundry

Secrets cannot be kept in the application manifest so they are provided by Cloud Foundry services. The app expects the following user provided services to be provided:

  • federalist-<environment<-redis: A cloud.gov brokered service that allows the application to use redis for its session store
  • federalist-<environment>-rds: A cloud.gov brokered service that allows the application to use RDS Postgres for its database
  • federalist-<environment>-s3: A cloud.gov brokered service that allows the application to work with the S3 bucket where Federalist's sites live
  • federalist-<environment>-env: A user-provided service that provides the application with secrets that cannot be added to manifest.yml b/c that file is under version control; this service provides the following:
    • FEDERALIST_AWS_BUILD_KEY: The AWS access key federalist uses to communicate with SQS
    • FEDERALIST_AWS_BUILD_SECRET: The AWS secret key federalist uses to communicate with SQS
    • FEDERALIST_BUILD_CALLBACK: The URL to which build containers should callback to with updates on their status
    • FEDERALIST_SESSION_SECRET: The session secret used to sign entries in Federalist's session store
    • FEDERALIST_SQS_QUEUE: The URL for the SQS queue that Federalist uses to communicate with federalist-builder
    • FEDERALIST_SQS_REGION: The AWS region for the SQS queue that Federalist uses to communicate with federalist-builder
    • GITHUB_CALLBACK_URL: The callback URL used for GitHub authentication
    • GITHUB_CLIENT_ID: The client ID used for GitHub authentication
    • GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET: The client secret used for GitHub authentication
    • GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET: The secret used to sign and verify webhook requests from GitHub
    • GITHUB_WEBHOOK_URL: The url where GitHub webhook requests should be sent
    • NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME: The app name to report to New Relic
    • NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY: The license key to use with New Relic

Here <environment> refers the value set for the APP_ENV environment variable.

In Development

In development, the application environment is configured within the config/local.js. There a sample of that file at config/local.sample.js which can be copied over and configured. This file's usage is discussed in length in "Building the Server" below.

Build the server

This project uses yarn for managing JavaScript dependencies and running tasks specified in package.json. If you don't already have yarn, follow the instructions at https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install to get it installed.

  • Download or Clone this repository from Github either by using the command line or repo's website on Github. On the right side of the repo's page, there is a button that states "Clone in Desktop".
  • Run nvm use to ensure you are using the correct version of node
  • Run yarn from the root (the directory that houses the projects files on your computer) of the repository to load modules and install Jekyll dependencies

Together these commands will looks something like the following:

$ git clone git@github.com:18F/federalist.git
$ cd federalist
$ nvm use
$ yarn
  • Copy config/local.sample.js to config/local.js.
$ cp config/local.sample.js config/local.js
  • Set up an application on GitHub. You'll want to use http://localhost:1337/auth as the "Authorization callback url". Once you have created the application, you'll see a Client ID and Client Secret. Add these values to config/local.js.
passport: {
  github: {
    options: {
      clientID: '<<use the value from Github here>>',
      clientSecret: '<<use the value from Github here>>',
      callbackURL: 'http://localhost:1337/auth/github/callback'

In the end, your local.js file should look something like this:

module.exports = {
  passport: {
    github: {
      options: {
        clientID: 'abcdef123456',
        clientSecret: 'aabbccddeeff112233445566',
        callbackURL: 'http://localhost:1337/auth/github/callback'
  • Federalist grants access according to the organizations a user is a part of. Find your organization's ID by visiting https://api.github.com/orgs/<your-org-name> and copying the id into the whitelist of organizations in config/local.js, for example:
organizations: [
  6233994,  // 18f
  14109682, // federalist-users
  99999999 // your org added here
  • Connect to the SQS build queue

In development, Federalist uses the staging build queue. To connect to the build queue, get the credentials for the staging build queue and add them to the SQS config in your config/local.js.

Note that the values shown in the examples below are meant to serve only as an example. You will need to look at the staging environment to fetch the actual values.

sqs: {
  accessKeyId: "ABC123",
  secretAccessKey: "456DEF",
  region: "us-east-1",
  queue: "https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/789/ghi",
  • Connect to the S3 bucket

In development, Federalist uses the staging S3 bucket. To connect to the bucket, get the credentials for the staging bucket and add them to the S3 config in your config/local.js.

Note that the values shown in the examples below are meant to serve only as an example. You will need to look at the staging environment to fetch the actual values.

s3: {
  accessKeyId: "ABC123",
  secretAccessKey: "456def",
  region: "us-gov-west-1",
  bucket: "789ghi",
  • Run the server with yarn start at the directory of the project on your local computer. You can use yarn watch to automatically restart the server and rebuild front end assets on file change, which is useful for development.

Build the server and the front-end

There are really two applications in one repo here. Right now we're OK with that because we're moving quick to get done with the prototypal phase of the project.

If you are working on the front-end of the application, the things you need to know are:

  1. It is a React based application
  2. It is built with webpack
  3. It lives in /frontend

To analyze the contents of the front end JavaScript bundle, use yarn analyze-webpack after a build. This will launch a browser window showing a visualization of all the code that makes up the bundle.

Using Postgres

By default, the application should use local disk storage in place of a database. This is easier to get started and isn't a problem for local development. In production, the app uses Postgres as the data store. To use Postgres in your local dev environment:

  1. First, you'll need to install Postgres.
  2. Next, you'll have to create the federalist database for the application. $ createdb federalist should do the trick. If you wish to run the tests, do the same, but for a database named federalist-test.
  3. Add postgres to your /config/local.js file
connections: {
  postgres: {
    database: 'federalist'
models: {
  connection: 'postgres'

Initial proposal

Federalist is new open source publishing system based on proven open source components and techniques. Once the text has been written, images uploaded, and a page is published, the outward-facing site will act like a simple web site -- fast, reliable, and easily scalable. Administrative tools, which require authentication and additional interactive components, can be responsive with far fewer users.

Regardless of the system generating the content, all websites benefit from the shared editor and static hosting, which alleviates the most expensive requirements of traditional CMS-based websites and enables shared hosting for modern web applications.

From a technical perspective, a modern web publishing platform should follow the “small pieces loosely joined” API-driven approach. Three distinct functions operate together under a unified user interface:

  1. Look & feel of the website Templates for common use-cases like a departmental website, a single page report site, API / developer documentation, project dashboard, and internal collaboration hub can be developed and shared as open source repositories on GitHub. Agencies wishing to use a template simply create a cloned copy of the template, add their own content, and modify it to suit their needs. Social, analytics, and accessibility components will all be baked in, so all templates are in compliance with the guidelines put forth by SocialGov and Section 508.

  2. Content editing Content editing should be a separate application rather than built into the web server. This allows the same editing interface to be used across projects. The editing interface only needs to scale to match the load from editors, not visitors.

  3. Publishing infrastructure Our solution is to provide scalable, fast, and affordable static hosting for all websites. Using a website generator like Jekyll allows for these sites to be built dynamically and served statically.

Related reading

Public domain

This project is in the worldwide public domain. As stated in CONTRIBUTING:

This project is in the public domain within the United States, and copyright and related rights in the work worldwide are waived through the CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication.

All contributions to this project will be released under the CC0 dedication. By submitting a pull request, you are agreeing to comply with this waiver of copyright interest.