Executing Maven-based Java projects in multiple environments/libraries' versions
To execut the script you need a project where you will launch the script, this project must be in a directory named inputProject and you need to create a outputProject directory to store the result of the execution.
python3 varymvn.py inputProject/XXXXXXXX
If you want to launch it on many different project you can use it like that
python3 varymvn.py inputProject/
After that if you want to get the informations about a clone you must tap the following command
python3 AnalyseData.py outputProject/name_of_the_clone 0
python3 AnalyseData.py outputProject/name_of_the_clone 1
python3 AnalyseData.py outputProject/name_of_the_clone 2
If you only want to have all the informations in a CSV format just tap the first command, the second command make a CSV with the min, max and average execution time for each dependencies and the last command create a CSV for plot
If you want to have a graphic render
python3 PlotInformation.py outputProject/name_of_the_clone
- Change from 1-variation to N-variation algorithm
- Implement the principle of taking only versions before or after the current version if and only if we could observe that the dependency in question gives mostly better results either when we upgrade its version or when we have downgrade it.