
Simple client for the no-ip.com API for dynamic IP

Primary LanguagePHP

PHP client for the no-ip.com API for auto update a no-ip DNS server to point to a dynamic IP.

Setup, and usage. See:




Fix log of error


'api_ip' => 'https://api.10kilobyte.com/my_ip.php',
// as we use a log with date we need a date format
'date_format_long' => "%d-%b-%Y %T",

Add date_format_long to config in order to remove notices about missing timestamps If upgrading to a newer version of php (e.g. 5.5) you should add this to your config/config.php file

Add api_ip for allowing to set a different url where we can get your current IP, which is then used to send to the no-ip service. You can just leave this one empty and the following will be used:



Change default api URL