
A starlette client using a fastapi backend

Primary LanguagePython


Install for development

git clone https://github.com/aarhusstadsarkiv/stadsarkiv-client.git

cd stadsarkiv-client

virtualenv venv # Python >= 3.10.6 should work

source venv/bin/activate

Install requirements:

# with pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

# or with poetry
poetry install

# You may also need to install danish language packs
sudo apt-get install language-pack-da
sudo locale-gen da_DK.UTF-8

Run for development

Run dev server:

./bin/cli.sh server-dev

Show all commands:


Fix code

Run black, mypy and flake8:


Install as requirement

Using pipx

Install main branch:

pipx install git+https://github.com/aarhusstadsarkiv/stadsarkiv-client.git

Install latest version:

pipx install git+https://github.com/aarhusstadsarkiv/stadsarkiv-client@v1.1.87

Run dev server:


stadsarkiv-client server-dev

With some config dir example-config:

stadsarkiv-client server-dev -c example-config-aarhus

Using virtualenv:

virtualenv venv

source venv/bin/activate

Install latest version (or upgrade):

pip install git+https://github.com/aarhusstadsarkiv/stadsarkiv-client@v1.1.87


pip uninstall -y stadsarkiv-client

Run required module

Generate a ./bin/cli.sh file as shortcut to all module commands:

./venv/bin/python -m stadsarkiv_client $@
chmod +x bin/cli.sh

For development:

./bin/cli.sh server-dev

Start or restart (stop and start) for production (gunicorn):

./bin/cli.sh server-prod

Stop server:

./bin/cli.sh server-stop

Generate a session secret:

./bin/cli.sh server-secret

Modifying the required module

You may override the default module using the following files and dirs:


All the above files and dirs are optional. You may see examples of all the above files in the example-config directory (These files are well documented)

These files and dirs should be placed in the directory where you run the module from - otherwise they will be ignored.

Run on server

See README.server.md

Tag a release

pipx install git+https://github.com/diversen/bump-py-version@v0.0.8

bump-py-version new-version