
Script to auto update a ubuntu server and sending notification emails using SMTP

Primary LanguagePHP

Ubuntu Auto Upgrade

This script will auto-upgrade ubuntu and send email notifications using SMTP. It will probably also work with other Debian variants of linux.

There is also a python port of these scripts:


Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and 22.04 LTS


git clone https://github.com/diversen/ubuntu-auto-upgrade.git
cd ubuntu-auto-upgrade
composer install


Create config files:

cp -R config/* config-locale/

Edit SMTP settings in config-locale/SMTP.php. DefaultTo setting in SMTP is the email address of the person who will receive emails.

You can also edit config-locale/App.php. restart determines if the server should restart if needed. You may also set timezone.


Set the script up as a cron script. Let it run every 10 minutes of so. You will need to let the script run as root. Edit crontab as sudo, e.g.:

sudo crontab -e

Add the crontab line (change to your own source path):

*/10 * * * * cd /home/dennis/ubuntu-auto-upgrade && php cron.php


Logs are written to logs/main.log. This log file will be created if it does not exist.


MIT © Dennis Iversen