
Tile server for .NET 5 platform with MBTiles, Filesystem, GeoTIFF, HTTP sources and XYZ, TMS, WMTS, WMS endpoints (protocols support)

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Tile Map Service for .NET 5

Basic implementation of tile server for .NET 5 platform. Provides access to tiles stored in several source types and serving them using various protocols.

Demo page

Demo page


  • Supported tile sources:
Source type EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326 Notes
Local file system Each tile in separate file in Z/X/Y.ext folder structure
MBTiles (SQLite) MBTiles 1.3 Specification
GeoTIFF local file GeoTIFF basic support with EPSG:3857 or EPSG:4326 source image SRS only
XYZ tile service XYZ with local cache for EPSG:3857 SRS
TMS tile service TMS with local cache for EPSG:3857 SRS
WMTS tile service WMTS with local cache for EPSG:3857 SRS
WMS service WMS, WMS versions 1.1.1 and 1.3.0, cache for EPSG:3857 SRS
PostGIS database Mapbox Vector Tiles from geometry column with EPSG:3857 SRS only
  • Supported protocols (service endpoints) for serving tiles:
Type EPSG:3857 EPSG:4326 Endpoint Formats Notes
XYZ (Tiled web map) /xyz png, jpeg, webp, mvt Can be REST style url (/{z}/{x}/{y}.ext) or url with parameters (&x={x}&y={y}&z={z})
TMS (Tile Map Service) /tms png, jpeg, webp, mvt
WMTS (Web Map Tile Service) /wmts png, jpeg, webp, mvt Support both RESTful and KVP GetTile url syntax
WMS (Web Map Service) /wms png, jpeg, tiff WMS versions 1.1.1 and 1.3.0
  • Coordinate system / tile grid support: Web Mercator / Spherical Mercator / EPSG:3857, basic support for geodetic EPSG:4326.
  • Tile image formats: raster (PNG, JPEG, WEBP) 256×256 pixels tiles, basic support of TIFF output and PBF / MVT (vector tiles).
  • Local cache for tiles from external tile services sources (modified mbtiles format database file, EPSG:3857 only), with blank tiles detection support.
  • Configuration in JSON file.
  • Reading sources configuration using /api endpoint (local requests only).


Developed using MS Visual Studio 2019 with .NET 5 SDK. Using

Configuration file

Tile sources are defined in appsettings.json configuration file.

Running framework-dependent deployment

Check presence of .NET 5 runtime on target system using command:

dotnet --info

The Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 5.0.3 (or later version) should present in list.

Run the application using command:

dotnet TileMapService.dll

After start, it will listen on default TCP port 5000 (using in-process Kestrel web server) and tile service with demo page will be available on http://localhost:5000/ address; to enable remote calls allow connections to this port in firewall settings.


  • Support for more formats (image formats, vector tiles) and coordinate systems (tile grids).
  • Include test dataset(s) created from free data.
  • WMS and Vector Tiles (mvt) client in Web UI.
  • Flexible settings of tile sources.
  • Compare with reference implementations.
  • Using metatiles for better tiles quality.
  • Configuration Web UI.
  • Extended diagnostics, error handling and logging.
  • Performance tests.
  • Live demo.

Some MBTiles sample datasets

All external tile sources (services) in the provided appsettings.json file are only for development / testing, not for production use.
