
Newman library for Kuroco API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


kuroco-newman is an internal-use npm package to manage/run Postman collections at any repository easily.


npm i --save-dev github:diverta/kuroco-newman


You need to follow the steps below at least to use kuroco-newman package.

  1. Put Postman collection files under specific directory structure
  2. Create kuroco-newman.config.json


See tutorial_ja.md (Japanese version only)

kuroco-newman cli

You can use kuroco-newman cli to initialize your repository and run/manage your collection files.


npx kuroco-newman init

Run Postman collections

# Run all Postman collections configured in kuroco-newman.config.json
npx kuroco-newman run

# Run only specific Postman collection
npx kuroco-newman run -e path/to/your/environment_file -c path/to/your/collection_file


Directory structure

  • kuroco-newman.config.json must exist in the root of your repository.
  • Postman collection files must always be put under the specific directory structure.
|-- kuroco-newman.config.json
`-- {directory_to_put_testing_files}                    # Any directory name to put your postman files
    `-- {target_site}                                   # Any identifier for your testing target
        |-- collections                                 # Postman collections
        |   `-- {id}                                    # [Optional] Any identifier of your target collection (API id, API name, etc)
        |       |-- {category_name_1}                   # Any category name for your collections files (unit, integration, etc)
        |       |   `-- *.postman_collection.json
        |       `-- {category_name_2}                   # (You can make multiple categories if you need)
        |           `-- *.postman_collection.json
        |-- environments                                # Postman environments
        |   `-- *.postman_environment.json
        `-- fixtures                                    # Fixture files for test scripts
            `-- *.*
|-- kuroco-newman.config.json
`-- tests
    `-- kuroco-test
        |-- collections
        |   `-- 1
        |       |-- unit
        |       |   `-- Kuroco-test-unit.postman_collection.json
        |       `-- integration
        |           |-- Kuroco-test-specs-scenario.postman_collection.json
        |           `-- Kuroco-test-specs-pattern.postman_collection.json
        |-- environments
        |   `-- Kuroco-test.postman_environment.json
        `-- fixtures
            `-- diverta.png


  "baseDir": "path/to/base/directory",
  "report": {
    "outputDir": "path/to/output/report/files",
    "options": {
      "index": {},
      "htmlextra": {}
  "target": [
      "name": "target_site",
      "environment": "file_name.postman_environment.json",
      "collections": [
          "id": "id",
          "files": {
            "category_name": "*.json"

Configuration without id

Collection id can be omitted. In that case, the configuration should be as follows.


`-- collections
    |-- unit
    |   `-- Kuroco-test-unit.postman_collection.json
    `-- integration
        |-- Kuroco-test-specs-scenario.postman_collection.json
        `-- Kuroco-test-specs-pattern.postman_collection.json


"collections": [
    "files": {
      "category_name": "*.json"